# Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Dmitry Stefankov # $Id: milter-connect.conf.sample,v 1.19 2007-09-20 19:42:15+04 dstef Exp root $ # Sample configuration file # # Main parameters of processing # Основные параметры # [General_Parameters] ### Verbose output [0|1] ### Verbose output level [0|1] ### Детализация вывода #verbose = 0 #verbose_level = 0 ### Logging level, facility, error ### Уровни журнализации #system_log_level = log_info #system_log_facility = log_mail #system_log_error = log_err ### Lock access of config to avoid chaos read and update (multiple threads) ### Блокировать доступ к конфигурации #lock_access_config = 0 ### Check config file changes during run ### Проверять изменения конфигурации во время работы #check_config_changes = 0 ### Print execution time profiling ### Печатаь время исполнения #time_profiling = 0 ### Get local (hostname/inet names & addresses) and auto add them to white lists ### Найти локальныую сетевую конфигурацию и добавить к статическим белым листам #add_host_local_config_info = 0 ### Get sendmail (hostname/inet names & addresses) and auto add them to white lists ### Найти конфигурацию sendmail и добавить к статическим белым листам #add_sendmail_config_info = 0 ### Interface socket for command (/var/spool/milter-connect/cmd) ### Локальный Unix сокет для управления и диагностики #local_command_socket = "" ### Add message headers but not reject message ### Добавить сообщения в служебный заголовок #enable_spam_info_recipients = 0 #enable_spam_info_header = 0 #enable_spam_info_subject = 0 #enable_spam_info_timestamp = 0 #spam_info_subject_value = "" #spam_info_header_name = "X-Spam-Final" #spam_info_header_accept_value = "Accepted" #spam_info_header_reject_value = "Rejected" #spam_output_header_statistics = 0 ### Add original recipients info (same as enable_spam_info_recipients, but with filter list) ### Добавить имя получателя в служебный заголовок (с использованием RE-списка фильтрации) #enable_info_orig_recipients = 0 #info_original_recipients_list = "" ### Enable black lists (global) ### Разрешить статические черные листы # enable_black_lists = 0 ### Enable white lists (global) ### Разрешить статические белые листы # enable_white_lists = 0 ### Enable regular expressions ### Разрешить регулярные выражения #enable_regex = 0 ### Check patterns for regular expressions presence ### Проверять строки на присутствие регулярных выражений #check_regex = 1 ### Enable local recipients check against database ### Разрешить проверку локальных получателей по базе #enable_local_recipients_check = 0 ### Enable local recipients reject if not found in database ### Разрешить отказ в приеме при проверке локального получателя ### если последний не найден в базе #enable_local_recipients_reject = 0 ### Messages for information ### Сообщения для отказа (отменить стандартые) #local_recipient_reject_message = "" ### Enable mark for reject in group by LMTA ### Разрешить отметку при отказе в прием в группе получателей (LMTA) #enable_lmta_reject_group_mark = 0 ### Enable authenticated user(s) check for filter(s) ### Проверять аутентифицированных пользователей #enable_auth_user_check = 0 ### Use recipient for message processing: 1=last, 0=first ### Использовать имя из списка получателей для сообщения: 1=последний, 0=первый #use_last_rcpt = 0 ### Auto save feature for auto cache/list files (0=turn off) ### Format [N[Ww]][N[Dd]][N[Hh]][N[Mm]][N[Ss]] ### Автоматическое спасение авто кэш/списка # dbs_auto_save_time_period = 4h ### Enable auto white/black list collection to reduce user's questions ### Разрешить автоматические динамические белые/черные листы #enable_auto_collect_lists = 0 ### Auto_list bw state file (/var/spool/milter-connect/auto_list.state) ### Файл состояния для авто б/ч списка # auto_list_state_file = "" ### Auto_list cache state file (/var/spool/milter-connect/auto_cache.state) ### Файл состояни для авто б/ч кэша # auto_cache_state_file = "" ### Default TTL for record per auto cache table ### Format [N[Ww]][N[Dd]][N[Hh]][N[Mm]][N[Ss]] ### Время жизни в авто б/ч кэше #auto_cache_rec_ttl = 1d ### Default TTL for record per auto list table ### Format [N[Ww]][N[Dd]][N[Hh]][N[Mm]][N[Ss]] ### Время жизни в авто б/ч списке #auto_list_rec_ttl = "7d" ### Max TTL for record per auto list table ### Format [N[Ww]][N[Dd]][N[Hh]][N[Mm]][N[Ss]] ### Макс. время жизни в авто б/ч списке #max_auto_list_record_ttl = "30d" ### Default level for transition from auto_cache to auto_list ### Уровень для авто перехода из кэша в список (передача) #auto_send_count_level = 1 ### Default level for transition from auto_cache to auto_list ### Уровень для авто перехода из кэша в список (прием) #auto_recv_count_level = 2 ### Default level for transition from auto_cache to auto_list ### Уровень для авто перехода из кэша в список (суммарно) #auto_total_count_level = 3 ### Enable LMTA to cache results to reduce DNS and network loading ### Кэшировать результаты LMTA #enable_lmta_cache = 0 ### Default TTL for record per LMTA cache table ### Время жизни в LMTA кэше #lmta_cache_rec_ttl = 600 ### Enable grey_lists to enable pass for some people on accounts (based on LMTA) ### Разрешить серые листы для accounts #enable_grey_lists_cache = 0 ### Enable random reject after grey lists passing ### Разрешить случайный отказ после приема (серые листы) #enable_grey_lists_random_reject = 0 ### Enable random delay [min..max] instead fixed ### Разрешить случайное время задержки вместо фиксированного времени #enable_grey_lists_random_delay = 0 ### Default TTL for record per grey_lists cache table (based on LMTA) ### Время жизни в кэше для серых листов #grey_lists_cache_rec_ttl = 3600 ### Default time to reject before acccept per grey_lists cache table (based on LMTA), in seconds ### Нач. время отказа для серых листов (секунды) #grey_lists_initial_reject_time = 900 ### Default min. time to reject before acccept per grey_lists cache table (based on LMTA), in seconds ### Нач. время отказа для серых листов (секунды) при случайной задержки #grey_lists_init_reject_time_min = 900 ### Default max. time to reject before acccept per grey_lists cache table (based on LMTA), in seconds ### Макс. время отказа для серых листов (секунды) при случайной задержки #grey_lists_init_reject_time_max = 2100 ### Enable collect grey_lists LMTA results statistics to have history of bad hosts ### Разрешить сбор исторической статистики для серых листов #enable_grey_lists_lmta_stat = 0 ### Default LMTA fail count per host before reject for grey lists cache (TEMP_FAIL) ### Отказ по исторической статистике #grey_lists_lmta_fail_count = 3 ### Enable checked_lists to enable pass for some people on accounts (based on LMTA) ### Разрешить белые проверочные листы #enable_checked_lists_cache = 0 ### Default TTL for record per checked_lists cache table (based on LMTA), in seconds ### Время жизни в кэше проверочных листов #checked_lists_cache_rec_ttl = 900 ### Default time to reject before acccept per checked_lists cache table (based on LMTA), in seconds ### Нач. время отказа для проверочных листов (секунды) #checked_lists_initial_reject_time = 15 ### Enable collect checked_lists LMTA results statistics to have history of bad hosts (not used yet!) ### Зарезервировано #enable_checked_lists_lmta_stat = 0 ### Default IP addresses subrange for checked_lists cache item (based on LMTA) ### Диапозон проверки для IP адресов #checked_lists_ip_subrange_value = 128 ### Default IP address addition level value for checked_lists cache record (based on LMTA) ### Величина наказания за изменение IP адреса при следующем сообщении #checked_lists_ip_addr_level = 1 ### Default addition level value for checked_lists cache record (based on LMTA) ### Величина наказания за изменение env-from адреса при следующем сообщении #checked_lists_env_from_level = 2 ### Default addition level value for checked_lists cache record (based on LMTA) ### Величина наказания за изменение env-to адреса при следующем сообщении #checked_lists_env_to_level = 2 ### Default summary reject level value for checked_lists cache record (based on LMTA) ### Суммарная величина наказания для отказа в приеме #checked_lists_reject_level = 3 ### Reject algorithm print mode (only print requests) (LMTA) ### Тестовая запись параметров для вызова LMTA #test_rej_algorithm = 0 ### Reject algorithm (run but no real action on reject) (LMTA) ### Обязательно для запуска LMTA, но без отказа #run_rej_algorithm = 0 ### Reject algorithm (run and reject as all in real life!) (LMTA) ### Разрешть отказ по LMTA (обязательно run_rej_algorithm=1) #enable_reject = 0 ### Messages for information ### Сообщения для LMTA (отменить стандартые) #algo_tempfail_message = "" #algo_reject_message = "" ### add message header about RHTA results ### Добавить заголовок с RHTA результатом #enable_spam_rhta_info = 0 ### add message header about RHTA detected errors ### Добавить RHTA расширенную диагностику #rhta_errors_to_header = 0 ### Enable algorithm (RHTA) to work ### Разрешить RHTA (обязательно в 1) #enable_algo2 = 0 ### Print meaning of flags from algorithm (RHTA) ### Печать значение флагов для RHTA результатов #print_flags_algo2 = 0 ### Reject all if not accepted by algorithm (RHTA) ### Разрешить отказ по RHTA (не рекомендуется) #reject_all_by_algo2 = 0 # end of section # # Filter definition # # Фильтр для белого листа #[Filter] ### Зарезервировано для Webmin #global_name = "" #global_uid = "" ### Стадия приема #accept_stage = "(connect|helo|envfrom|envrcpt)" ### Имена хостов, доменов #accept_hostname = "" ### Имя на стадии helo протокола SMTP #accept_helo = "" ### IP адреса (a.b.c.d|a.b.c.d-e.f.g.h|a.b.c.d/e.f.g.h)" #accept_hostaddr = "" ### Адреса из конверта #accept_envfrom = "" #accept_envrcpt = "" ### Разрешить/запретить регулярные выражения ### (по умолчанию совпадает с глобальной установкой) #accept_regex = 0 #accept_noregex = 0 ### Комментарий #accept_comment = "This is comment" ### Upto this date, format: DDMMYYYY ### Действительно до даты #accept_date = "" ### Authenticated/non-authenticated users ### Use also for non-authenticated users ### Различать аутентицированных/неаутентицированных пользователей #auth_nonauth_users_also = "1" ### RFC 2554 AUTH credentials {auth_authen} #auth_user_credentials = "" ### RFC 2554 AUTH= parameter {auth_author} #auth_user_alt_names = "" ### Authentication mechanisms (PLAIN,LOGIN,DIGEST-MD5,CRAM-MD5 and others) #auth_user_mech_types = "" ### RFC 2554 Encryption keylength (0=open session) #auth_user_enc_keylength = "" # Фильтр для черного листа #[Filter] ### Зарезервировано для Webmin #global_name = "" #global_uid = "" ### Стадия отказа #reject_stage = "(connect|helo|envfrom|envrcpt)" #reject_hostname = "" #reject_hostaddr = "(a.b.c.d|a.b.c.d-e.f.g.h|a.b.c.d/e.f.g.h)" #reject_hostaddr = "" #reject_helo = "" #reject_envfrom = "" #reject_envrcpt = "" #reject_noregex = 0 #reject_regex = 0 #reject_comment = "This is comment" # Upto this date, format: DDMMYYYY #reject_date = "" #[Filter] #reject_stage = connect #reject_hostaddr = " -" #[Filter] #reject_stage = connect #reject_hostaddr = " /" #[Filter] #reject_stage = connect #reject_message = "Prohibited by administrative policy." #reject_hostaddr = "" #[Filter] #accept_stage = envrcpt #accept_hostname = "freehom2.home.ru" #accept_date = "31122003" #accept_envfrom = "root@freehom2.home.ru dstef@freehom2.home.ru" #accept_envrcpt = "root@freehom3.home.ru" #[Filter] #reject_stage = envrcpt #reject_stage = connect #reject_hostname = "freehom2.home.ru" #reject_date = "31122003" #reject_envfrom = "root@freehom2.home.ru dstef@freehom2.home.ru" #reject_envrcpt = "root@freehom3.home.ru" #tempfail_message = "Temporary failure. Try again more later." #reject_message = "Non-legacy mail not accepted" #[Filter] #accept_stage = envrcpt #accept_stage = helo #accept_noregex = 1 #accept_regex = 1 #accept_hostname = "freehom2.home.ru" #accept_envfrom = "root@freehom2.home.ru dstef@freehom2.home.ru" #accept_envfrom = "root@freehom2.home.ru" #accept_envfrom = "(root|dstef)@freehom2\.home\.ru" #accept_envrcpt = "root@(()|.*\.)freehom3\.home\.ru" #[Filter] #accept_stage = envrcpt #accept_envfrom = "@(()|.*\.)home.ru" #accept_envrcpt = "@(()|.*\.)home.ru" #auth_user_credentials = ".*" #auth_user_credentials = "dstef" #auth_user_credentials = "DsteF" #auth_user_credentials = "dima test" #auth_user_credentials = "(dima|test|dstef)" #auth_user_credentials = "dima test" #auth_user_alt_names = "dima" #auth_nonauth_users_also = 1 # end of section #include_config_file = "/etc/mail/milter-connect/freehom2.conf" # # Include these configuration files # #[Include] #include_file = "/etc/mail/milter-connect/freehom3.conf" #include_file = "/etc/mail/milter-connect/freehom4.conf" # end of section # # Include these configuration files # [Include] include_file = "/etc/mail/milter/connect/accounts.conf" include_file = "/etc/mail/milter/connect/black_lists.conf" include_file = "/etc/mail/milter/connect/white_lists.conf" include_file = "/etc/mail/milter/connect/domains.conf" # end of section # # User account definition # Бюджет # #[Account] ### Зарезервировано для Webmin #global_name = "" #global_uid = "" ### Имя пользователя #account_recipient_name = "root@freehom3.home.ru" ### Разрешить LMTA #account_global_run_reject_algorithm = 1 ### Разрешить отказ LMTA #account_global_enable_reject = 1 ### Участвовать в глобальных списках #account_global_black_lists = 1 #account_global_white_lists = 1 ### Зарезервировано для Webmin #account_local_black_lists = 1 #account_local_white_lists = 1 ### Добавить сообщения в служебный заголовок #account_local_spam_info_recipients = 0 #account_local_spam_info_header = 0 #account_local_spam_info_subject = 0 #account_local_spam_info_header_subject = "" #account_local_spam_header_name = "X-Spam-Final" #account_local_spam_header_accept = "Accepted" #account_local_spam_header_reject = "Rejected" ### Разрешить отложенный прием с LMTA #account_global_enable_grey_lists = 0 #account_grey_lists_enable_random_reject = 0 #account_grey_lists_enable_random_delay = 0 #account_grey_lists_cache_rec_ttl = 3600 #account_grey_lists_initial_reject_time = 900 #account_grey_lists_init_reject_time_min = 900 #account_grey_lists_init_reject_time_max = 2100 #account_grey_lists_lmta_fail_count = 3 ### Разрешить проверочные листы с LMTA #account_global_enable_checked_lists = 0 #account_checked_lists_cache_rec_ttl = 900 #account_checked_lists_initial_reject_time = 15 #account_checked_lists_ip_subrange_value = 128 #account_checked_lists_ip_addr_level = 1 #account_checked_lists_env_from_level = 2 #account_checked_lists_env_to_level = 2 #account_checked_lists_reject_level = 3 #[Account] #account_recipient_name = "dstef@freehom3.home.ru" #account_global_run_reject_algorithm = 1 #account_global_enable_reject = 0 #account_local_spam_info_header = 1 # end of section # # User domain definition # Настройка алгоритма LMTA для домена (не рекомендуется!) # #[Domain] #global_name = "" #global_uid = "" #domain_sender_name = "@home.ru" #domain_accept_address = " -" #domain_opt_env_a_rec_diff_val = 256 #domain_opt_mx_rec_diff_val = 128 # end of section # # Local domain definition # Note: here regexps supported! # Локальные домены (из sendmail config), допускается более одного # #[Local_Domain] ### Зарезервировано для Webmin #global_name = "" #global_uid = "" ##Local domains used for auto b/w lists by sender ##Локальные домены используются для авто ч/б по отправителю #local_domain_name = "home.ru" #local_domain_name = "biomark.org.ru" # end of section # # Local user definition # Note: here regexps NOT supported! # Локальные пользователи, допускается более одного # #[Local_User] ### Зарезервировано для Webmin #global_name = "" #global_uid = "" #local_user_name = "MAILER-DAEMON" #local_user_name = "postmaster" #local_user_name = "root" #local_user_name = "toor" #local_user_name = "bin" #local_user_name = "bind" #local_user_name = "daemon" #local_user_name = "games" #local_user_name = "kmem" #local_user_name = "mailnull" #local_user_name = "man" #local_user_name = "news" #local_user_name = "nobody" #local_user_name = "operator" #local_user_name = "pop" #local_user_name = "smmsp" #local_user_name = "sshd" #local_user_name = "system" #local_user_name = "tty" #local_user_name = "usenet" #local_user_name = "uucp" #local_user_name = "xten" #local_user_name = "manager" #local_user_name = "dumper" #local_user_name = "info" #local_user_name = "marketing" #local_user_name = "sales" #local_user_name = "support" #local_user_name = "abuse" #local_user_name = "noc" #local_user_name = "security" #local_user_name = "ftp" #local_user_name = "ftp-bugs" #local_user_name = "hostmaster" #local_user_name = "webmaster" #local_user_name = "www" #local_user_name = "bit-bucket" #local_user_name = "dev-null" # end of section # # Local recipient definition # Note: here regexps ARE supported! # Локальные получатели, допускается более одного # #[Local_Recipient] ### Зарезервировано для Webmin #global_name = "" #global_uid = "" #local_recipient_name = "MAILER-DAEMON@ourdomain.com" #local_recipient_name = "postmaster@ourdomain.com" #local_recipient_name = "root@ourdomain.com" #local_recipient_name = "(info|sales)@ourdomain.com" #local_recipient_name = "hostmaster@" #local_recipient_name = "testuser" # end of section # # Exclude Local recipients checking definition # Note: here regexps ARE supported for names! # Исключить проверку для локальных получателей # #[Exclude_Local_Rcpts_List] ### Зарезервировано для Webmin #global_name = "" #global_uid = "" ### Domains names will be skipped on loc_rcpt_check #exc_loc_rcpt_domain_name = "" ### IP адреса (a.b.c.d|a.b.c.d-e.f.g.h|a.b.c.d/e.f.g.h)" #exc_loc_rcpt_ip_address = "" # end of section # # Filter definition # #[Filter] #reject_stage = connect #reject_hostaddr = " -" #[Filter] #accept_stage = envrcpt #accept_hostaddr = " /" #[Filter] #accept_stage = envrcpt #accept_hostaddr = " -" #[Filter] #reject_stage = connect #reject_hostaddr = " -" #reject_hostaddr = "" #[Filter] #reject_stage = envrcpt #reject_hostaddr = " -" #reject_envfrom = "dstef@freehom2.home.ru" #reject_envrcpt = "dstef@freehom3.home.ru" #[Filter] #accept_stage = envrcpt #accept_hostaddr = "" #accept_hostname = "freehom2.home.ru" #accept_envfrom = "root@freehom2.home.ru dstef@freehom2.home.ru" #accept_envfrom = "root@freehom2.home.ru dima@freehom2.home.ru" #accept_envrcpt = "postmaster@freehom3.home.ru" #[Filter] #accept_stage = connect #accept_hostaddr = "" #accept_envrcpt = "dima@freehom3.home.ru" #[Filter] #accept_stage = envrcpt #accept_hostname = "freehom2.home.ru" #accept_date = "31122003" #accept_envfrom = "root@freehom2.home.ru dstef@freehom2.home.ru" #accept_envrcpt = "root@freehom3.home.ru" #[Filter] #reject_stage = envrcpt #reject_stage = envfrom #reject_stage = connect #reject_stage = helo #reject_hostname = "freehom2.home.ru" #reject_date = "31122003" #reject_envfrom = "root@freehom2.home.ru dstef@freehom2.home.ru" #reject_envfrom = "dima@freehom2.home.ru dstef@freehom2.home.ru" #reject_envrcpt = "root@freehom3.home.ru" #tempfail_message = "Temporary failure. Try again more later." #reject_message = "Non-legacy mail not accepted" #[Filter] #accept_stage = envrcpt #accept_stage = helo #accept_noregex = 1 #accept_regex = 1 #accept_hostname = "freehom2.home.ru" #accept_envfrom = "dstef@freehom2.home.ru root@freehom2.home.ru" #accept_envfrom = "root@freehom2.home.ru" #accept_envfrom = "(root|dstef)@freehom2\.home\.ru" #accept_envrcpt = "root@(()|.*\.)freehom3\.home\.ru" #[Filter] #accept_stage = envrcpt #accept_helo = ".*\.home\.ru" #[Filter] #reject_stage = envrcpt #reject_helo = ".*" # end of section #include_config_file = "/etc/mail/milter/connect/freehom2.conf" #[Include] #include_file = "/etc/mail/milter/connect/freehom3.conf" #include_file = "/etc/mail/milter/connect/freehom4.conf" #include_file = "/etc/mail/milter/connect/accounts.conf" #include_file = "/etc/mail/milter/connect/domains.conf" #include_file = "/etc/mail/milter/connect/white_lists.conf" # end of section # # White lists # #[Filter] #accept_stage = envrcpt #accept_hostaddr = "" #accept_hostname = "freehom2.home.ru" #accept_envfrom = "root@freehom2.home.ru dstef@freehom2.home.ru" #accept_envfrom = "root@freehom2.home.ru dima@freehom2.home.ru" #accept_envrcpt = "postmaster@freehom3.home.ru" #[Filter] #accept_stage = connect #accept_hostaddr = "" #accept_envrcpt = "dima@freehom3.home.ru" #[Filter] #accept_stage = envrcpt #accept_hostname = "freehom2.home.ru" #accept_date = "31122003" #accept_envfrom = "root@freehom2.home.ru dstef@freehom2.home.ru" #accept_envrcpt = "root@freehom3.home.ru" #[Filter] #accept_stage = envrcpt #accept_envfrom = "root@freehom3.home.ru" #accept_envrcpt = "root@freehom3.home.ru" #[Filter] #accept_stage = envrcpt #accept_envfrom = "@(()|.*\.)ho(me|ney).ru" #accept_envrcpt = "@(()|.*\.)ho(me|ney).ru" #[Filter] #accept_stage = envrcpt #accept_envfrom = "@(()|.*\.)home.ru" #accept_envrcpt = "@(()|.*\.)home.ru" #[Filter] #accept_stage = envrcpt #accept_envfrom = "root@freehom3.home.ru" #accept_envrcpt = "@freehom3\.home\.ru" #accept_envrcpt = "(dstef|root.*)@freehom3\.home\.ru" #accept_envrcpt = "(dstef|root)@home\.ru" #[Filter] #accept_stage = envrcpt #accept_envfrom = "root@freehom3.home.ru" #accept_envrcpt = "@freehom3\.home\.ru" #accept_envrcpt = "(dstef|root.*)@freehom3\.home\.ru" #accept_envrcpt = "(dstef|root)@home\.ru" #[Filter] #accept_stage = envrcpt #accept_envfrom = "@freehom3\.home\.ru" #accept_envrcpt = "(dima22|root|dstef22)@home\.ru" #[Filter] #accept_stage = envrcpt #accept_envfrom = "@freehom3.home.ru" #accept_envfrom = "@biomark.org.ru @freehom3.home.ru" #accept_envfrom = "dstef@biomark.org.ru root@freehom3.home.ru dstef@home.ru" #accept_envrcpt = "root@freehom3.home.ru dstef@home.ru dstef@biomark.org.ru" # # Accepted hosts ##Added: 16.09.2004 #[Filter] #accept_stage = envrcpt #accept_hostaddr = " -" #accept_hostaddr = "192.168.0.([0-9]|1[0-4])" #accept_envfrom = "@(()|.*\.)ho(me|ney)\.ru" #accept_envrcpt = "@(()|.*\.)ho(me|ney)\.ru" #[Filter] #accept_stage = envrcpt #accept_hostaddr = "" #accept_envfrom = "@(()|.*\.)ho(me|ney)\.ru" #accept_envrcpt = "@(()|.*\.)ho(me|ney)\.ru" # # PROHIBITED FORGED SENDERS OF OUR DOMAINS ##Added: 16.09.2004 # #[Filter] #reject_stage = envrcpt #reject_message = "Rejected forged senders of our domains" #reject_envfrom = "@(()|.*\.)ho(me|ney)\.ru" #reject_envrcpt = "@(()|.*\.)ho(me|ney)\.ru" #[Filter] #accept_stage = envrcpt #accept_hostaddr = "" # Special #[Filter] #accept_stage = envrcpt #accept_hostname = "freehom2.home.ru" #accept_date = "31122003" #accept_envfrom = "root@freehom2.home.ru dstef@freehom2.home.ru" #accept_envrcpt = "root@freehom3.home.ru" #[Filter] #reject_stage = envrcpt #reject_stage = envfrom #reject_stage = connect #reject_stage = helo #reject_hostname = "freehom2.home.ru" #reject_date = "31122003" #reject_envfrom = "root@freehom2.home.ru dstef@freehom2.home.ru" #reject_envfrom = "dima@freehom2.home.ru dstef@freehom2.home.ru" #reject_envrcpt = "root@freehom3.home.ru" #tempfail_message = "Temporary failure. Try again more later." #reject_message = "Non-legacy mail not accepted" #[Filter] #accept_stage = envrcpt #accept_stage = helo #accept_noregex = 1 #accept_regex = 1 #accept_hostname = "freehom2.home.ru" #accept_envfrom = "dstef@freehom2.home.ru root@freehom2.home.ru" #accept_envfrom = "root@freehom2.home.ru" #accept_envfrom = "(root|dstef)@freehom2\.home\.ru" #accept_envrcpt = "root@(()|.*\.)freehom3\.home\.ru" # end of section # Domains #[Domain] #domain_sender_name = "@home.ru" #domain_sender_name = "@freehom2.home.ru" #domain_accept_address = " -" #domain_opt_env_a_rec_diff_val = 512 #domain_opt_env_a_rec_diff_val = 256 #domain_opt_mx_rec_diff_val = 128 #domain_opt_mx_rec_diff_val = 32 # end of section # # Accounts # #[Account] #account_recipient_name = "root@freehom3.home.ru" #account_recipient_name = "admin@freehom3.home.ru" #account_global_run_reject_algorithm = 1 #account_global_enable_reject = 1 # end of section #[Account] #account_recipient_name = "root@freehom3.home.ru" #account_recipient_name = "admin@freehom3.home.ru" #account_global_run_reject_algorithm = 1 #account_global_enable_reject = 1 #[Account] #account_recipient_name = "dstef@freehom3.home.ru" #account_recipient_name = "(dima|dstef)@freehom3\.home\.ru" #account_global_run_reject_algorithm = 1 #account_global_enable_reject = 0 #account_local_spam_info_header = 1 #[Account] #account_recipient_name = "dstef@freehom3.home.ru" #account_recipient_name = "(dima|dstef)@home\.ru" #account_global_run_reject_algorithm = 1 #account_global_enable_reject = 0 #account_local_spam_info_header = 1 #[Account] #account_recipient_name = "dstef@freehom3.home.ru" #account_local_spam_info_header = 1 #account_local_spam_info_subject = 0 #[Account] #account_recipient_name = "admin@freehom3.home.ru" #account_global_run_reject_algorithm = 1 #account_global_enable_reject = 1 #account_global_enable_checked_lists = 0 #account_checked_lists_cache_rec_ttl = 900 #account_checked_lists_initial_reject_time = 15 #account_checked_lists_ip_subrange_value = 128 #account_checked_lists_ip_addr_level = 1 #account_checked_lists_env_from_level = 2 #account_checked_lists_env_to_level = 2 #account_checked_lists_reject_level = 3 #[Account] #account_recipient_name = "dstef@freehom3.home.ru" #account_global_run_reject_algorithm = 1 #account_global_enable_reject = 1 #account_global_enable_checked_lists = 1 #account_checked_lists_env_from_level = 3 # end of section #[Include] #include_file = "/etc/mail/milter/connect/account1.conf" #include_file = "/etc/mail/milter/connect/account2.conf" # End of file