TPmail text output.

Mail package TPmail for Unix systems


[eng]  [rus]







Quick start for a package TPmail

Short guide for installation and running of TPmail (basic options).
We give a wanted sequence of steps to start (almost HOWTO-TPmail).

Step 1.
Install TPmail.
Follow the installation instructions. After finished installation we have a ready package that is neccessary to configure before a normal work.

Step 2.
Statistics (module sma_stat).
In cron file for user root it's neccessary to uncomment the corresponding lines to run a scripts to build statistics reports. By default the catalogs of output reports are located in /usr/local/www/data.

Step 3.
Create a range of white addresses for local nets (module milter-connect).
By default all configuration files are located in /etc/mail/milter. Write a wanted changes into a file white_lists.conf. By default in white list - all Internet.

Step 4.
Enable a reject by algorithm LMTA (module milter-connect).
In a file milter-connect.conf it is enabled an option - "enable_reject=1". Now the anti-spam protection is enabled for all users.

Step 5.
Exceiptions mechanism - accounts (module milter-connect).
If user must accept all mail, then this user must be added into the accounts list. For the such users it is also possible to use the anti-spam protection, setting a following options - "account_global_run_reject_algorithm=1" É "account_global_enable_reject=1". Is is possible to do vice versa. Don't enable the anti-spam protection for all users, but enable it for only selected users using accounts.

Step 6
Lists of temporary delay - grey lists (module milter-connect).
In a file milter-connect.conf it is enabled abn option "enable_grey_lists_cache=1". These lists are valid only the accounts. It is recommended to use together with the anti-spam protection. Enable this option in a selected accounts: "account_global_enable_grey_lists=1".

Step 7.
Automatic white lists by sender - auto white lists (module milter-connect).
Use this only, if your mail server receives and sends all mail. In a file milter-connect.conf you must set these options - "enable_auto_collect_lists=1" É "auto_list_state_file=/var/spool/milter-connect/auto_list.state" É "auto_cache_state_file=/var/spool/milter-connect/auto_cache.state". Add the definitions of local mail domain or domains - [Local_Domain]. If it is neccessary then use the exceiptions section for some users - [LocalUser]. Usually there are an user root, postmaster and some others.

Step 8.
Enable a support of the autenticated users - authenticated users(module milter-connect).
Use only, if your mail server is used RFC 2254 AUTH credentials (SASL and others). In a file milter-connect.conf set these options - "enable_auth_user_check=1" Add the authenticated users in a white list - [Filter].

Step 9.
List of the local recipients - local recipients lists (module milter-connect).
It is recommended to use only, if your mail server is a transit (intermeidate) mail server. In a file milter-connect.conf set these options - "enable_local_recipients_check=1" É "enable_local_recipients_reject=1". Added the definition of local recipients - [Local_Recipient]. If it's neccessary, then use exceiptions for a separate domains or hosts - [Exclude_Local_Rcpts_list]. Usually these are a some local mail domains, hosts of local or trusted networks.

Step 10.
DoS protection of sendmail (module milter-quota).
In a file milter-quota.conf add the wanted sections [RateControl] for localhost and for other hosts or domains, if it's neccessary. See the examples in a supplied documentation.

Step 11.
Additional settings.
All wanted additional information is possible to get from a supplied documentation, if you want a more tuning for a package.

Step 12.
And again about logs and documentation.
Check always logs. If all is OK, then we do all right.
Otherwise we must read again the documentation. Look in the book!

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